Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hi everyone,
I'm glad that everyone is back to work after a relaxing and needed break. The pictures that are posted above are from our last meeting at Caruthers. This group of students has turned in their release forms and are now getting their transcripts. We had a very good idea as to how to make sure they bring their paperwork--we will be bringing tacos to the meeting Tuesday and if the students want to attend they must submit their transcripts as a ticket. Moroever, we will be contacting them the night before, the goal is to get them motivated so we hope this works.
Finally, Yadira and I are planning a series of trips to Fresno Pacific University. Mentors, if you are interested in taking your students there, please contact us and we'll make it happen!
Hope to hear from all of you.
Ricardo Guevara

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