Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanks for a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!!

Good Morning All,

Thank you for making this past weekend a GREAT experience!!! Thanks for sharing about yourselves and letting everyone else get to know a little bit more about you. I personally had a very positive experience and I hope that I can keep working with each of you in the future. Remember to use me and everyone else as a resource. Our students at the schools will benefit from the knowledge that you will share with them. Let me tell you that we are EXTREMELY lucky to have you all as mentors in the program!! Each one of you represents a piece of the rock that symbolizes who we are and what we are trying to accomplish. (By the way, the rock is at the office.. Someone brought it from the fire circle... Jejeje)

I wish you the BEST of LUCK in your finals!!!!

Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy every second of it along with your loved ones!!!

P.S. Karina and Marisol want to say Thanks to all and that they had a great time with you guys. It was great meeting everyone!!

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