Friday, January 29, 2010

Today I was in Coalinga High. I was glad to see new faces attend the meeting today. I worked on them on a one-on-one basis today to answer questions that they had brought in for me. Two students also informed me on how well they had done this past semester in their classes. After the meeting I meet up with the rest of our students, they were in West Hills for the College Awareness Program. I enjoyed hearing what our students had learned through out the day and asked a few to share what they had learn to the rest of the students that could not attend in our next meeting, and they agreed! Next week we will be meeting with the principle of Coalinga High, so I will let you know how it went. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:


Thank you for attending the West Hills Coalinga visitation. It really shows your dedication to the program and making a difference in those students lives...